When you see a black screen on your computer you must stand back and not try and do a repair job straight away. It is important that you take time to consider what might have caused this on your computer. If you jump straight in to repairing this problem without thinking about what you are doing, you may make the problem escalate.
There are some basic troubleshooting steps you can take that might help when you have a black screen on your computer. But first you need to ask yourself a few questions and then you might find the answers:
Did you do something to cause this error? Maybe you shutdown your computer incorrectly or too fast. You would think that a computer can handle being shut down the wrong way however, this is often the cause of a black screen. It's what you do next that counts the most. When the computer starts up again and it shows you a screen where it says it had an hour error, most people choose to start the computer normally. I highly suggest you start your computer in safe mode first, let it fully load, and then choose to restart it normally.
Did you install any Windows updates or any type of software prior to getting this on your computer? This is another common cause and in this instance my number one troubleshooting tip is to try and use a system restore. For Windows Vista and Windows 7 you can access the system restore option if you insert the operating system DVD into the drive. For older computers it is a little bit more difficult than that. But what system restore will do, is turn back time.
Do you suspect that a virus has caused this? This is a big problem because it really depends on how bad the virus is and how far it has spread. In some cases when you have a black screen caused by a virus, it is as simple as signing into another user account that has not been affected by the virus. You are very lucky if you can do this as that is an easy solution but you still need to get rid of the virus.
I would say at all these three basic troubleshooting tips, and the black screen that is caused by the virus is the worst one to get. There are so many reasons why a computer can get a black screen and therefore there are so many different troubleshooting methods to try.
I personally have dealt with black screens on computers are over 25 years. Sometimes the problem is solved by simply removing a USB flash drive that has been left plugged in. I hope that is how you're your problem is solved; however this is not always the case.
by Tushar Dave
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