Monday, 2 May 2011

How to Get Backlinks

Backlinks, or links back to a website or article, are increasingly important for increased traffic for two reasons: One, the backlinks themselves allows for increased traffic, and more importantly, search engines give higher ranking to articles with links. Here's how to get backlinks.

Content Backlinks

There is no reason why someone cannot link from one thing they want people to read to another thing they want people to read. In addition, this type of linking will direct views from content that has lots of traffic to content that has little traffic. The best websites for writing online all allow one to do this, so it is best to take advantage of content backlinks.

Comment Backlinks

One effective, albeit annoying way to get views is to search for the search term the article or site is written around, and then leave a comment containing a link to it on whatever website shows up first on the search engine. More and more web sites are getting strict about policing comment backlinks, though, so this method does not always work.

Backlink Services

Certain websites help suggest places to do targeted comment backlinks, though these web sites aren't always high traffic ones. A good rule of thumb is that one should never, ever pay for backlink services. If one has to pay for bac, its a scam. One reason to write articles online is that there are no publishing costs and it can be used to promote other content or web sites.

Social Networking Backlink

Facebook, Myspace, and the social networking backlink in general, are great ways to add links and promote content. Yahoo Answers allows one to do this as well, but they have become more strict about their policies and have begun to ban people who abuse the social network backlink too frequently.

Article Spinning

Article spinning is a deceptive and dishonest practice on many levels. It involves a computer program splicing up content and repackaging it together in order to fool search engine's duplicate content filter. Most of these services, including the pay ones - which are scams - do not work effectively. So there is dishonesty happening to both the reader and the author. If one spends hours upon hours duplicating and backlinking articles, one may briefly enjoy a perch at the top of a search engine result page. It's generally not a worthwhile investment unless one is running a scam business - which, ironically, most article spinning services are.

High Quality Content

When one writes high quality content, they increase the likelihood of individuals texting, instant messaging, emailing, "word of mouthing," social bookmarking, or good old fashioned linking that content. Readers aren't psychic, but with today's technology they can submit their thoughts to others almost instantly. This is all done without any effort on the part of the author, it requires no fraud, and it works very effectively at increasing traffic. High quality content is undoubtedly the best way to permanently build up traffic and backlinks in the long term.
With these strategies, one can effectively build techniques for how to get backlinks and traffic. What is most important to keep in mind, however, is if the content one is linking to is worth reading. If it is, then in a certain sense, the content will promote itself.

Copyright Jared Plotkin

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