Friday, 27 May 2011

Green Tea Fights Fatal Health Conditions

The excellent health advantages of green tea are not limited to weight loss. It is the natural compounds in green tea, titled catechins, that provide a plenitude of other health benefits.

Grown men who administer themselves high doses of polyphenols like catechin have 75 percent less probability of having a stroke. Green tea reduces the amount of bad LDL cholesterol and raises good HDL cholesterol count. This brings forth a more beneficial balance between LDL and HDL plasma levels. Additionally there is confirmation that polyphenol catechins can help thin the blood and lessen blood pressure.

Protection from cancer is associated with green tea drinking, too. Scientists have shown that damage to our DNA is one known determinant of cancer. Our DNA strands come under attack from thousands of unstable oxygen molecules everyday. This is a normal thing for DNA. The amazing news is that our cells is able to repair itself.

Still, our DNA can cave in to this assailant and the DNA strings will become permanently damaged. Damaged DNA will produce a mutant code and start creating cancerous cells! It is then great for us that the antioxidants of green tea can head off and subdue free radicals. This helps reduce our possibility of falling victim to cancer! Vast amounts of research has also concluded that green tea reduces the risk of prostate cancer, lung cancer, bowel cancer, skin cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer and bladder cancer!

Green tea polyphenols elevate our count of white blood cells. A high white blood cell count is essential to a powerful immune system. There are two different white blood cells that polyphenols can strengthen - B-cells and T-cells. B-cells construct antibodies that defeat foreign objects and infectious microorganisms. T-cells engage particular invading organisms such as viruses and malignant cells.

For the purpose of detoxification the liver is our biggest weapon. It sponges up foreign chemicals from our blood and with the help of metabolic agents, chemically alters poisons into inert soluble materials. The harmful substances can then be excreted to the feces for elimination. With the levels of pollution in our environment and in our food in this age the liver experiences vast levels stress! On the up-side catechins come to our aid! These the compounds in green tea really do protect the liver from a number of these harmful substances by aiding the enzymes specific to detoxification. In this process the liver is spared somewhat.

by: Darren Haynes

What is diabetes

Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas needed to regulate glucose in the blood).

The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and sedentarism appear to play roles.

In order to determine whether or not a patient has pre-diabetes or diabetes, health care providers usualy conduct a Fasting Plasma Glucose Test (FPG)The American Diabetes Association recommends the FPG because it is fast, easy, cheap and have a good precision.With the FPG test, a fasting blood glucose level between 100 and 125 mg/dl signals pre-diabetes, bigger values indicates diabetes

There are three types of diabetes :

Type 1 - You produce no insulin at all.

Type 2 - You don't produce enough insulin, or your insulin is not working properly.

Gestational Diabetes - You develop diabetes just during your pregnancy.

Diabetes Types 1 & 2 are chronic medical conditions - this means that they last a lifetime.

Gestational Diabetes usually resolves itself after the birth of the child.

All types of diabetes are treatable, for a patient with Type 1 the treatement is mainly injected insulin, Patients with Type 2 are usually treated with tablets.Both types must have a special diet (low fat and carbohydrates) and physical activity (walking, swimming, cycling, dancing)

Being diabetic imply a change in lifestyle. It does not mean you will not be able to pursue your career effectively, run a business, practice a sport or realize your ambition.

Diabetes will not stop you from becoming a sportsman or sportswoman, politician, actor/actress, musician, or journalist.If you will follow all indications and medication your doctor gives you, there is no reason why you cannot continue your lifetime ambitions.

The main aim of diabetes management is to keep the following under control:

Blood glucose levels - you will need a Glucose Meter. Self-monitoring is often called SMBG (self-monitoring of blood glucose). Glucose meters today are small, battery-operated devices.

Blood pressure - the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries. You can monitor your own blood pressure at home with an inexpensive blood pressure cuff and gauge, available at most drug stores and medical supply outlets.

Cholesterol levels - you will nedd a Home cholesterol monitor. Home cholesterol monitors are one of the most popular medical devices for personal use.They are not designed to replace the care of a physician.

The frequency of the tests is up to you and your doctor.

by: Radu Bogdan 

3 Big mistakes that can ruin your weight loss

Losing weight can be a very tough and frustrating process. But with the right mindset and attitude it doesn’t have to be that way. One very important thing to do before you start your weight loss journey is to learn about common mistakes people do, and then don’t do them your self!

These are three of the most common mistakes that people do when it comes to weight loss:

1. Quitting to soon

2. Expecting weight loss overnight

3. Having the wrong attitude

1. Quitting to soon

Many people quit with their diet and exercising programs to soon. It could be because they got to little time to exercise one day so they miss one training pass. And then they lose motivation, and then they skip a few more training passes, and before you know it they quit training all together.

If you don’t have enough time to do your usual exercise, then use all the time that you got. If you only got 10 minutes over, great use that to train then, it’s better to train for 10 minutes then nothing at all.

Same thing with the diet, lets say around Christmas and you eat a bit too much and a bit unhealthy one day. Many people feel very tempted to stop the diet and go back to their old food habits after that. You have to learn to stick to it even after one of those nights.

And remember that just because you have broken your diet or exercising plan once or twice doesn’t mean that you have failed. Just make sure that you step it up and do the right thing next time.

2. Expecting weight loss overnight

When you start with your weight loss don’t expect that you’re going to see results in the first few days, maybe even in your first week. Many people when they start out they keep going for like a week and then they look at the scale and maybe they haven’t lost anything or just not as much as they expected. And they get frustrated because of it, and maybe keep going for a few more days and still they don’t lose as much as they want, so they stop because they lose all motivation. You didn’t gain all of your weight overnight, and neither will you lose it overnight. You need to understand this before you start your weight loss.

One thing to remember about this is that you shouldn’t only be watching the scale when you start your training and diet. You should start to feel more energetic, you can begin to feel less stressed during the days, maybe even sleep better! So don’t just focus on the scale, focus on everything else that also comes with eating healthy and training.

3. Having the wrong attitude

When you start out and you get a training program that you plan to stick to, and it says that you’re going to train maybe 4-5 times a week. You can get very discouraged because most people feel that exercise is like a punishment, a chore, which has to be done.

And with that attitude towards training, chances are that you will lose all your motivation for training quite quickly.

Training should be a fun thing to do. Something that you should look forward to. And if you don’t feel that about your training you should consider changing your training and start doing something else. If you’re out jogging 3 times a week, and you really hate jogging, then change it. Start with power walking 4 times a week, or start dancing or something that you enjoy.

by : Stefan Edlund

Reduce belly fat with 10 minutes excersice

Are you one of those who want to reduce belly fat? Or trying to lose weight without joining a gym with a high price? If so, you try to follow the activity of cardiovascular fitness routine with high technique developed by Mike Geary, a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer.

You can burn 150 calories every price by doing this exercise regularly survived 10 minutes. Here are some steps you can take to reduce belly fat.

The first two minutes.

You focus on burning fat by doing Jump Rope. Begin by performing two jumps for each turn of the rope. For safety, use the correct size jump rope and always land softly on the top of the bottom of your feet. During this activity, keep your focus by thinking and sure to lose weight.

Minutes 2-3.

Perform a Squat Thrust Push Up. Good technique for this exercise is, standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms beside your side. Then slowly squat with your head forward and bring your hands to the floor outside your feet.

Your hands should be pointing forward as well. Then in one motion, push the leg back and behind you. Perform one strict pushup and then jump back into your squat position and then stand back. Once again, you also touched continue to think and believe that your fat will disappear.

Minutes 3-4.

Do Rope with only one jump per turn.

Minutes 4-5.

Back to do Squat Thrust and Push Up. This time you have to add the Side Plank. After doing the squat thrust and push-ups, you will lift and rotate your left arm from the ground and on top of your head.

Your left foot will rotate and rest on top of your right foot. You will rotate your neck so you look for your ceiling. Rotate back to center and repeat on other side. When finished, hop back into your squat position, stand up and start again. Continue to think and believe, no longer distended stomach.

Minutes 5-6.

Make a rope again. Same as minutes three and four. Continue to think and believe, that I will lose body fat.

6-7 minutes.

Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up. Saha Only this time you need to add the Leg Lift. This is the same as minutes two and three only this time you will lift the tip of one foot about twelve inches off the ground only after you have been doing push ups.

Lower your leg and repeat on other side. Hop back into your squat position, stand up, and start again.

Minutes 7-8.

Jump Rope. Same as minutes three and four. Keep thinking, my stomach smaller.

8-9 minutes.

Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you will add Mountain Climbers. Repeat everything as in a period of two and three only this time after push-ups, you will quickly run in place of the push-up position.

Make sure you bring your knees to your chest on each rotation. Do five jogs and repeat this whole process. Keep thinking, I will lose weight.

9-10 minutes.

Jump Rope. Just as you first two minutes. Keep thinking. If I do this every day, I will lose belly fat.

Please do this technique regularly and consistently. Because what the result will surely make you satisfied. Nothing that is always instant. Everything need process.

 by: Stefan Mancuso

Saturday, 21 May 2011

10 Mobile Apps That Are Changing the Shopping Dynamics for Retailers and Consumers

1. AisleBuyer - AisleBuyer combines mobile self-checkout with intelligent shopper functionality such as product barcode scanning that returns information, customer reviews, and recommendations. AisleBuyer uses a consumer's shopping history to deliver individual coupons, offers, and discounts, and it also stores a user's receipts and shopper loyalty cards. AisleBuyer is one of the first mobile apps that enable consumers to use their smartphone as a self-checkout device, enabling consumers to pay for purchases on their iPhone or Android-based smartphone and completely bypass the checkout line.
2. BooYAH! MyTown - BooYAH! is a social web and mobile entertainment company that has taken a game-based approach to mobile marketing. Their app, BooYAH! MyTown, is a location-based social gaming platform with more than 2.8 million users in the United States. MyTown enables players to check in to real places, buy virtual properties, and collect rent. MyTown's product check-in allows players to scan barcodes of real-world products using the iPhones camera and unlock points and earn virtual MyTown items. BooYAH! MyTown's is geared toward a young, wired user with its integration of music and social media channels, making it a dynamic platform for youth-oriented retailers that are looking for ways to weave their brands into the app. Brands can also create real-life scavenger hunts to increase brand discovery and engagement. BooYAH!'s MyTown is currently available exclusively for iPhone and iPod touch users.
3. eBay Mobile (RedLaser and eBay has become one of the biggest players in the mobile shopping space, and the company's global mobile sales exceeded $2 billion in 2010. eBay made several key acquisitions in the last couple of years that includes Critical Path Software, a leading mobile application developer, and RedLaser, a mobile barcode scanning application. They recently purchased, which provides real-time product inventory. eBay has combined Milo's local shopping results with RedLaser's barcode-scanning capabilities into a single application for both iPhone and Android-based smartphones. With the integration of Milo, shoppers using RedLaser can immediately find out, through a single scan, which nearby retailers currently have a product in stock and who has the best local price. The combination of RedLaser and Milo provide shoppers with instant comparison-shopping on the go. eBay's RedLaser app is available for free download in the iTunes App Store and Android Market. Milo local shopping results are available immediately in both the iPhone and Android versions and online at The RedLaser Software Development Kit (SDK), which is already being used by more than 100 third-party iPhone developers and select retailers, will soon be available for the Android platform.
4. Google Shopper - Google's Shopper app enables users to use their smartphone's camera to locate product information. The app is capable of recognizing books, CDs, DVDs, and video game packaging and can also scan product barcodes to access Google's product database. The app also has voice recognition that allows users to speak the name of the product they're looking for. Google's Shopper app stores a user's history directly on a user's phone so product and price information are always available even if there's no cell service available. The app includes a browser that lets users visit a retailer's website and find the nearest location, and it includes social media access to Facebook, Twitter, GMail, and instant messaging. Google's Shopper app is available for Apple's iPhone and Android-based smartphones.
5. JiWire Compass - JiWire Compass is a location-based mobile advertising platform that combines real-time product information and availability with additional services such as a Concierge service that enables users to find the location of the nearest retailer and reserve a product for pick-up. JiWire's platform lets advertisers identify and deliver ads to audience segments based on a person's physical location while taking the venue type and brand into account. The Compass platform also allows retailers to integrate their product catalogues. Compass currently provides more than 3 million unique products across the U.S. from over 200,000 retailers and product manufacturers. Compass is currently available for Apple's iPhone and iPad platform.
6. Placecast - Placecast's ShopAlerts is an opt-in, location-based mobile marketing solution that delivers targeted information customized for each user based on their location, time, and user preferences. Placecast's services helps retailers by expanding their reach and increasing local foot traffic to physical stores. ShopAlerts is offered as a white-label mobile marketing solution that allows retailers to create custom-branded apps that connect with their customers via SMS messages and through social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Once a user's ShopAlerts is activated, the service automatically alerts customers about a brand's local sales, special events, or other relevant information based on their location.
7. Point Inside - Point Inside provides indoor destination maps for major malls and airports across the United States and Canada. Point Inside's maps lets users quickly find stores, gates, kiosks, restrooms, elevators, escalators, and other guest services in more than 800 malls and airports. The app is available for Apple's iPhone and Android-based smartphones. Point Inside's app enables retailers to drive additional foot traffic by providing special offers and discounts along with location information.
8. Shopkick - Shopkick's mobile app is available for Apple's iPhone and Android-based devices and provides consumers with rewards and offers simply for walking into stores, for scanning products, and for signing up their friends. Shopkick's concept combines social media sharing with on-the spot location-based rewards that help retailers build buzz and customer loyalty. Shopkick users collect "kickbucks" and bonus offers by checking in at participating retailers and by scanning product barcodes at major US retailers that include Macy's, Crate & Barrel, American Eagle Outfitters, Best Buy, Target, Simon Malls, Wet Seal, and The Sports Authority. Shopkick users can even donate their kickbucks reward points to charitable causes.
9. Sundrop Mobile's Reward Card Wallet - Sundrop Mobile's Reward Card Wallet enables consumers to store loyalty cards information on their Apple iPhone or Android-based mobile device. Sundrop Mobile's services include push notification that can increase foot traffic to participating retailers with the ability to broadcast special offers and deals to customers via SMS when they are nearby. Reward Card Wallet is location-aware and allows the consumer to check for deals near their location, which feature deals from merchants as well as Groupon, Living Social, and other services.
When consumers download Reward Card Wallet their existing loyalty memberships automatically appears in the application as part of their registration process. Adding additional loyalty cards such as grocery, convenience, motor club, etc. is easily accomplished using a smartphone's barcode scanner. When users make their next store visit, they simply show their phone's screen to a cashier. The cashier can then scan the on-screen barcode representation of their plastic loyalty card. Reward Card Wallet frees consumers from having to carry multiple reward cards and helps retailers to increase participation and effectiveness of loyalty card programs.
10. WHERE Deal Alerts - WHERE Deal Alerts is an opt-in, location-based mobile marketing solution that delivers personalized alerts for coupons and discount offers to a users' phone based on their preferences and location. Customers that opt-in to WHERE's service can set up a user profile that enables the service to send automated Deal Alerts via text message. Consumers simply select proximity, day of week, time of day, and content categories such as restaurants and shopping, and WHERE will automatically send coupons via SMS based on preferences. WHERE's services helps more than 4 million mobile users discover, save, and share local places on their mobile device by recommending the most relevant content and integrating money-saving special offers from local merchants.

By Neyaz Ashraf 

iPad 2 Review - Time for an Upgrade?

There are some people who automatically upgrade to the latest and greatest version of any product just for the sake of upgrading. Is that always a good thing to do? After reading through the upgrades made to the iPad 2, see for yourself if it is indeed time for an upgrade.
The Look
As for the upgraded look of the iPad 2, it is similar to the original device. However, the upgrade is more sleek, weighs less and the re-design of the body added a curve which gives it a different feel as you hold it in your hand.
It is no surprise that the iPad 2 is about twice as fast as the original model, featuring a faster-working A5 dual core (1 GHz) processor (which most people like to see in their computers) and includes 512 MB of RAM. Faster working graphics are due to an engine upgrade, but the screen resolution is much the same as that of the original.
The original iPad did not have any cameras, however, the iPad 2 has two of them. One camera is located on the front of the device and is used for video chatting. On the rear of the device is another camera used for capturing video and still shots.
If you moved the original iPad too quickly in one direction or another, the device could not sense the quick change and would continue to display incorrect orientations of images. The iPad 2 can sense a change in direction and immediately reconfigures the images either vertically or horizontally.
Some disappointments with the upgrade include the continued grainy appearance of the video features. Whether or not it is something in the camera feature, the resolution is still not top-notch. A better choice would be to use the iPhone 4 for taking photos or videos.
The iPad 2 does not support an Adobe FLASH player, so anything requiring the use of FLASH will not be displayed properly, if at all.
Overall, the iPad 2 is another excellent product from Apple. The smooth display, faster processing and nice playback features make this a successful upgrade. The Smart Cover was a very innovative accessory introduced along with this upgrade.
If you love your original iPad, then you will love this upgraded faster, slicker model. While the upgrade is not a complete overhaul, it just proves that you don't need to make a whole lot of changes to an already great product.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Tips To Treat Phone Cell Battery to Last Longer

Some people, some time are probably have a bad experience about their phone cell battery getting low in the middle of a conversation. And most of us turn on our hand phone right after it turns off. Now that’s a big mistake. Well logically something has a few ways to make something last longer. We’ll talk about tips how to treat phone cell battery. First of all, when we are charging our battery we must make sure that it is off or not active, but if we stay it on, then there will be an in and out current by turns and that will make the hand phone molecule damage. Especially when we are in a conversation while the hand phone is charged that will burden the chemical process in the battery.
Lessen the activities of calling in the car because by that time hand phone are trying hard to catch up the nearest signal of the Base Transceiver Station especially when we are moving. More over when we are connecting to the internet in the condition of moving in a high speed. If we start to charge our battery we must remove the casing because charging will heat the hand phone and that cause the hand phone and battery it self will not last longer and the function of its battery will decrease. Don’t always charge your battery inside your car, usually you use the lighter as a connection. Because the voltage in a car is very unstable so it will effect on the unstable electric current into the hand phone. If your battery is about 6 month of age, you must always clean up the gold pin and the battery connector with a cotton bud or tissue. Turn of the unnecessary function such as Bluetooth, active camera, vibrate, GPRS, quick screen saver, activating backlight in the middle of the day.
Be thrifty when you activate MP3, radio, Bluetooth and games. Love your hand phone and treat them nicely like it is your best friend so you will feel satisfied even in the emergency situation.

 by :

How to Get a Good Picture with a Digital Camera

Actually taking a picture using digital or analog camera are basically not significantly different. How ever people are more likely digital camera rather than analog because the result can be seen directly after taking the picture and we can take the picture again if we don’t like it. How can we get a best picture ever taken by a digital camera? Let see the following steps. Firstly, set your camera with the biggest picture size mode. The advantage of this mode is giving you the possibility of printing out into a big size without being worry that the color will scattered besides, you can cut the unwanted part of the picture. There’s no use of buying a camera with a resolution of 5, 6 or 8 mega pixels if you still set your mode in a standard size not in maximum size.
The secondly, Set the quality adjustment with a maximum level. Most of digital camera uses JPEG format. JPEG will give a bad picture when you compressed too much. To have a best picture we have to adjust with maximum level. Use a typical picture as JPEG. Even though JPEG is a little bit glossy (not too clear) but surely it is the right choice. The other advantages for you is when you use JPEG you can process it again with Adobe Photoshop.
SLR camera usually gives us a choice whether we would like to use JPEG format, TIF or RAW. We use TIF especially for art graphics reproduction such as magazine or a newspaper while RAW store what ever it is without further processing the picture. Compare with TIF or RAW, JPEG are easier to be process with Photoshop and the latest will only give you extra work while JPEG are in process with Photoshop. So it true that JPEG is the best format.

by :

Ten Natural Ways Grow Hair and Reduce Hair Loss

Vitamins and lifestyle changes have been shown to encourage hair to grow and reduce hair loss. Balding is a genetic trait but good nutrition can play a part in hair growth. Hair products, such as masks, shampoos and leave on conditioners can also prevent hair loss and restore healthy, vibrant hair. Adding nutrients will help regrow hair.

1. Protein Grows Hair
Because the hair is made of protein, a protein deficiency can cause hair loss. Add protein to the diet by including animal products, such as meat and dairy, or protein shakes made from whey.

2. Vitamin C is Needed for Healthy Hair
Vitamin C is also a component of healthy hair. Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, are especially high in vitamin C, as are green peppers. Suggested dosage is 1,000 to 3,000 mg a day.

3. B Vitamins Increase Hair Growth
Biotin and the complex B vitamins are needed to grow hair. B3 helps increase circulation to the scalp, thereby encouraging hair growth. It is best to take a supplement that includes all of the B vitamins, called a B complex supplement, as the nutrients work synergistically.

4. Iron Reduces Hair Loss
The mineral iron helps increase circulation in the scalp as well, which then fuels hair growth. Foods that are high in iron include liver, apricots and raisins.

5. Drink Water to Grow Hair
The hair shaft is comprised of one quarter water. Drink at least 4 to 8 cups of water a day to stay hydrated and grow healthy hair.

6. Reduce Alcoholic Beverages to Reduce Hair Loss
Drinking alcohol reduces hair growth. Reduce or eliminate alcohol from the diet and you will see an increase in hair growth.

7. Hormones Influence Hair Growth
Hormones influence the production of hair. Hormones decrease with age and slow hair growth. Increasing hormones can increase hair growth. Adding bio-identical hormones for women is a possibility, but accurate blood tests are needed to identify and balance the various hormonal components in the body. Natural foods contain some hormones as well, for instance, wild yam is a natural source of estrogen.

8. Vitamin E Grows Hair
Vitamin E is another nutrient needed to grow hair. It stimulates the circulation in the scalp and can be taken internally or applied to the scalp.

9. Smoking Causes Hair Loss
Smoking cigarettes reduces the blood flow to the scalp and this causes a reduction in hair growth. Stop smoking to help hair grow.

10. Vitamin A Feeds Healthy Hair
Vitamin A helps create vibrant shiny hair because it works with the fat synthesis in the hair follicles and spurs hair growth. Foods that contain vitamin A include eggs, kale, squash, and carrots.

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Writing Articles That Reach Your Prospects - Using Keyword Tools to Write Article Titles With Punch!

When you start to write an article, you must know exactly who you are writing for (this refers to your target audience) and what the goal is that you hope to achieve (what you are trying to get them to do, whether it is to buy something or to take another action). Unless you know why you are writing, you are not ready to begin.

The most important aspect of your article is the keywords that it targets. Keywords are the words people use when they are searching for information on your topic.

For example, if you are searching for a new dentist, you may type in the word 'dentist' and then the name of your city or town. If that dentist was for your child, you might type in 'children's dentist', 'dentist for kids', or 'pediatric dentist', along with the name of your city.

The way to find out which keywords people are using to search for your topic is to visit Google's free keyword tool. It is called the Keyword Tool External and can be found by doing a search on Google for the phrase keyword tool. You will want to bookmark this site because it will be on that you visit quite often as you are building your online business.

Start your keyword search using this tool by typing in the core keyword or keyword phrase people may be searching for. For example, if you teach dance to children and are looking for people who may want to purchase a video on this topic, start with the words 'children's dance' when you begin.

You will then see how many people are doing a search for this keyword phrase, as well as other search terms they are using. Finally type in 'children's dance video' and you will see that there are people who are looking specifically for this phrase.

The more specific you get, the smaller the number of searches. We refer to these as long-tail keywords because they are targeting a small number of people who are interested in that niche. In your article title, use both a highly searched phrase as well as a long-tail phrase, even if the title sounds awkward to you. The people who are looking for that specific information, such as where to find a dance video for their children, are your most highly qualified leads.

by: Connie Ragen Green 

Learn English Language Through Online Study Programmes

English has become an established communication mode in modern business world. A sound grasp of English language can help an individual or business to establish their rapport in global business, education and politics. Working professionals and executives who perform business in English stand out in today’s competitive business environment and can avoid loss of clients due to lack of language skills. Since the advent of internet educational institutions have leveraged the power of World Wide Web to provide online courses which offer the flexibility of learning from the comfort of your home. For the growth of your business you may want to look at online Business English ( courses for your employees without the expense or hassle of travel.

Online English language learning programmes have become one of the most effective channels to improve language skills. Internet has made online English learning classes more beneficial for students who want to get a degree and work at the same time. It also facilitates students to choose from a wide range of schools and programs not necessarily existing in your area. The basic requirements to participate in Online English Language ( learning programmes is the availability of a personal computer connected to internet and general experience to navigate the internet.

Online English study programs are flexible and can be easily adjusted to balance your professional, academic and personal life. Eurospeak College in London, one of the leading English learning colleges helps working students by providing online classes to learn English language at their own convenient time and place. They help you to learn Online English language in a creative and structured manner so that you can effectively utilize your time and improve your language skills.

by: Michael O’Brien

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Food Safety!

It is so very important for the health of your health, and that of your friends and family, to store and handle perishable foods properly. Proper handling will allow you to enjoy foods at their best and it will dramatically reduce the possibility of food poisoning.
You should always buy from a reputable retailer. Remember that first impressions mean a lot. If the market where you are shopping appears to be "cleanliness challenged" in the areas that you can see, imagine what the areas you can't see might look like. Once you are comfortable with your market, and you have decided that it is the place for your needs, still remember to check the expiration dates on all of your selections before purchasing. Fresh foods should be taken promptly home and stored properly.
In the kitchen work surfaces utensils and your hand must be kept clean by washing frequently with hot water and soap. You should designate separate cutting boards for raw and cooked foods, as well as separate boards for meats and produce. If this isn't possible, cutting boards must be washed thoroughly between each use.
Finally, I can't say this enough, but "Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands!" These rules may seem like common sense, but applying them in your kitchen may save someone you love the misery of food poisoning.
Some foods require special attention above and beyond the normal care I have just outlined.
Cheese: Some cheeses are made with unpasteurized milk, especially soft cheeses, and "blue" cheeses such as Stilton or Roquefort cheeses should not be eaten by infants, young children, the elderly, the infirm, or pregnant women. These people are at a much higher susceptibility to infection caused by the listeria bacteria, which may be present in these cheeses.
Eggs: Always purchase the freshest eggs possibly by checking the expiration dates stamped on the carton. This way you will also know just how long you can safely store them. Look for shells that are clean and un-cracked. Look for shells that are dull in appearance; avoid shiny shells. Store eggs in the refrigerator with the pointed ends down, and away from foods with strong odors. Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water before and after handling raw eggs. If an egg is contaminated with the salmonella virus, the rick of contracting salmonella poisoning is much higher if the egg is served raw, had a runny yolk, or is soft set. Infants, young children, the elderly, the infirm, or pregnant women should not consume eggs prepared in these manners. In order to destroy the salmonella bacteria, eggs must be cooked to 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 degrees Celsius.)
Dried Legumes: Peas and Beans, especially kidney beans, may contain potentially dangerous toxins that can cause food poisoning. When preparing legumes, quickly bring to a rapid boil for a full 10 minutes before draining, rinsing, and beginning again in fresh water.
Meat: Always by the freshest cuts of meat available and refrigerate as quickly as possible. All meats should be removed from the store packaging, discarding the wrapper, absorbent packing, and tray. The meat should then be placed in shallow trays or plates, covered, and stored in the bottom of the refrigerator to avoid the possibility of dripping on other foods. Cooked and uncooked meats must be stored separately and never handled together. Wash your hands, counter and utensils before during and after handling meats. If meats are frozen they should be thawed completely before cooking. Any liquids produced during thawing must be discarded. Raw meats should not be re-frozen. When reheating meat dishes, they should be heated to boiling or above 170 degrees Fahrenheit (75 degrees Celsius.)
Clams and Mussels: Always buy live clams and mussels and cook them on the day you purchase them. Before cooking, dispose of any with cracked or broken shells or with open shells that do not close when tapped. After cooking, discard any that have not opened during cooking.
Potatoes: Potatoes should always be stored in a cool dark place as soon as possible after purchasing. Potatoes that have been exposed to light during storage may develop green patches. These small green patches can be cut out with a knife or vegetable peeler, but if the green covers a large area of the potato it should be discarded. This "greening" can cause gastrointestinal distress.
Poultry: Poultry is potentially the most hazardous as it is especially susceptible to salmonella contamination. Whole birds should be refrigerated as quickly as possible after purchase. Remove all wrappings and any giblets and packaging from the cavity of the bird. It should then by placed on a shallow try or plate, covered loosely and stored in the bottom of the refrigerator. Giblets should be stored covered in a separate bowl. Work surfaces, utensils, and your hands should be washed before and after handling. Poultry should be completely thawed before cooking and should not be re-frozen. Poultry should not be stuffed until immediately before cooking. The stuffing should be cold and should be stuffed loosely in the neck only, not in the cavity. Cook thoroughly. The temperature on a meat thermometer should read at least 185 degrees Fahrenheit (85 degrees Celsius.)
Cooked Rice: Bacteria, which can cause gastrointestinal problems can develop in cooked rice if not stored properly. Always store cooked rice tightly covered in the refrigerator below 39 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius.)

By Darren Borror 

Android Operating System is the Future of Mobile Computing and Smartphones

Android Phones
The new Android phones are phones that operate on the Linux Kernal mobile operating System. It was developed by Android Inc, and later purchased by Google. This system enables developers to write managed codes in the java language and control the device with Google developed Java libraries.
The Android Phones are the phones of the future because they combine the ultimate advances in mobile phones, video, cameras, PC's and Navigation systems with multiple applications. The Phase development of the Android Phones started with the first model that had bugs and poor documentation, this was first introduced with the Sake Game-Android Development Phone. Next came the Android SDK it had a debugger, libraries, documentation, and tutorials. The final droid was the Android OS-Donut which added supports like voice search, priced applications and Gmail freeze fixes.
The Android OS system is important in this new system because it allows third party developers to create their own screen widgets. This allows for more applications and more opportunities for the manufacturer. The new Android Phones are being made by Google, Motorola, and HTC, LG, Dell and others breaking into the Smartphone market. The technology that it promises is ground breaking. The Android system acts like a robot, the user tells it what to do and it does it with supposed lightening speed.
The new Android Phones are basically bringing the desktop to the mobile phones. It allows for emailing, instant messaging, and web browsing all at the same time. It can run applications in the background while the user goes to a social network site. It also allows the user to listen to music and write an email at the same time, while talking on the phone. The possibilities are endless; the Android system allows several applications to run at the same time, just as a computer with windows does.
There are thousand of applications available for the Android phones and more are becoming available everyday. With the apps and the ability to multitask without having to shut down one act to do another is the new age of the mobile phones thanks to Goggles Android system. The new Android 2.0 is the latest in the line of Android systems to hit the market. The capabilities and promises are coming true very quickly as 2.0.1 stands ready for release.
Many people enjoy using the Android Phones already and sales have been phenomenal. Everyone wants a system that acts like a PC but is really a phone with all of the capabilities. The technology has just begun and there is more to come.

By William Grant 

Saying I Love You

The all times special three-letters word, "I Love You" is what we would always be hearing when we talk about love. It is the words that one would use to express their feeling of affection for their very loved ones.
But still, why is it that at times one simply just refuses to say it to their love?
There have indeed been a lot of postings from friends in our forum having such experience. Despite of them saying it to their partner, they just never got it back from their love. It is for sure disappointing and at times just hurting, isn't it?
Are you one of them? One who is still waiting to be hearing that special words from your love or perhaps one who has yet to say it to your love?
Now, why wouldn't one say it? Why would one be reluctant in saying it to their love, saying an I love you to them?
Hmmm...? Perhaps having the fear of shouldering that responsibility behind these powerful words?
Yes, it is in a way true. You shouldn't be saying I love you to someone unless you truly mean it. Once it is said, you can never take it back.

Well in fact, a friend in our forum did share with us a thought of what he heard from a Christian pastor on a radio programme. In the belief of the pastor, a man shouldn't be telling a woman that he loves her unless the very next words are "Will you marry me?"
Again, it is indeed in a way true. But if you were to ask me, I am just going to tell you that it certainly need not has to be that serious or maybe a better word to be describing, scary.
Yes, marriage should without doubts be the ultimate consideration of all love relationship at the end of the day. But do let me just ask, how soon do you see yourself getting married?
Well, there has to certainly be a considerable time of being together before the relationship would further develop into the stage of marriage. For some, a year or two and for some, up to even a duration of 5 to 7 years before reaching this stage.
So are you not going to be saying "I love you" to your love during these times, not even once?
This certainly shouldn't be the way. A healthy love relationship shouldn't be so.
Now may I just ask, why is it that you want to be with that love of yours? Because you enjoy his or her presence, always enjoying your time with him or her?
Precisely! A healthy relationship should always be an enjoyable one, one which both enjoy spending their time with one another over and over again. There is no need to make yourself be feeling so stressed. A healthy relationship should never be a stressful one. Having to deal with the fast paced world can be stressful enough at times. And so when it comes to your relationship with your loved one, it should be a relaxing and enjoyable one.
It is only when you enjoy the time with one another, will you ever then have the thoughts of spending that life of yours with him or her. Isn't it so?
Saying I love you is just a way of expressing your affection for your love. It doesn't have to be that stressful. It should instead just come from within your heart, in a very joyful and relaxing mood.
To be getting an "I love You" from your love is just always that sweet. And to be saying it to your love, is a nice way of assuring and promising him or her of your very love for them.
So, why not say it to them? Tell your very love just how much you love him or her. You need not have to wait for him or her. You can definitely be taking the initiative. Why not? I am sure that your love would just love to be hearing it from you. Wouldn't you love to be hearing it from your very loved one too, hearing a very "I Love You" from him or her?

By Rick Valens 

Monday, 16 May 2011

How to Deal With Virus and Spyware on Your PC

It's an annoying reality that you have to deal with - virus and spyware attacks on your PC. It slows down your computer and compromises your privacy and security. Did you know that you can remove these malicious software programs in your PC without having to spend much for it?

Quick Tips

Here are some quick tips on how to remove virus and spyware on your PC:

Use the free tools that are bundled with your windows operating system such as system restore. These free tools serve as a quick fix for malware attacks. Don't forget to turn your firewall on; that is one of your first line of defenses against malware.

Run an anti-virus as well as spyware removal program on your computer. Here, you will find overwhelming resources from the internet. There are free software programs that you can easily download as well as the proprietary programs.
The problem with the free anti-virus program and spyware removal software is that if you are not careful in choosing your software programs to download, most likely you will end up downloading malicious software programs instead. It is very important to know where you can download these free tools reliably.
You have to be aware that these malicious software (malware) programs love to disguise themselves as legitimate anti-virus download and spyware removal tool. This way they can easily lure their victims to download them online.

Once you have removed the virus and spyware from your computer, the best protection you can have is to prevent your PC from malware attacks. Make sure that you are running the latest anti-virus protection and spyware removal program on your PC to protect you as you surf the internet.
Why You Need to Protect Your PC
You need essential protection for your PC to prevent malicious attacks on your computer. You wouldn't want to experience a multitude of problems arising from these attacks or compromise your own security and privacy.

If you think that it will cost you a lot to protect your computer from malware, you will be comforted to find out that there are actually free anti-virus protection and spyware removal programs that are legitimate and proven to be effective.

To minimize the risks of encountering malicious software programs disguised as legitimate programs, go and find online the resources that will empower you to download all free legitimate anti-malware tools that are guaranteed to work best.

Look for something that will provide you with computer tune up videos showing you several proven ways to protect your pc using the free anti-virus protection and spyware removal programs.

By Lindsey Jenkins

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Few Steps and Information about How to Take Care of Your Laptop

In Asian climate humidity has always been a big problem for a laptop designed by U.S.A. To decrease the probability of a trouble, make sure you keep your laptop in a dry and cool place. And if you won’t be using your laptop for a period of time then let your laptop kept in a closed bag and put silica gel in it. Silica gels are easily found in medicine bottle, electronic devices package, it’s a little thing that wrapped up and it is written “Dessicant silica gel” or you can buy in a drug store. Silica gel is a chemical material which is higroskopis (absorb evaporate and humidity).
An electricity black out and disturbance of electricity voltage can happen anytime in home, hotel or even office. If possible try to use “surge protector” when you are using AC outlet. And also don’t forget to back-up your data periodically. Bring along your laptop case when you are travelling. If you want to send your laptop for some matter, use something like a box that will make sure your laptop is safe and cover up with a sponge. Don’ ever put anything on your laptop such as glass or just anything. If you have a problem with your laptop don’t ever try to fix it your self, you better go to a mechanic or a nearest service centre because it may enlarge the damages. Especially for laptop that is still under guarantee because it will also damage the warranty seal which still attached in your laptop.
In every day use we usually lift up our laptop but we never realize that when you want to lift your laptop in a top that is open up do not lift and touch the screen but the bottom. Don’t also plug in the laptop modem cable on PBX (Private Branch Exchange) or digital telephone line. Using any other telephone line except PSTN will damage the laptop modem. Least but not last, stay your laptop away from little children you never knew what’s going to happen after that. Take good care of your laptop battery avoid leakage because it is one cause of a laptop being damage.

by :

Friday, 13 May 2011

Five Tips for Successful Selling on the Golf Course

Golfing with potential clients can turn into one of the most effective ways of making sales if you know how to do it correctly. There is a fine line between letting your client have a fun and relaxing day on the greens and making them feel like they are being pressured to buy your products or services. Here are five tips to help you walk that fine line and turn your potential clients into actual clients while working on your short game.

Be assertive, but not aggressive. There is a time for aggressive sales techniques and there is a time to hold back and stop at being assertive. The golf course is one of the times when assertiveness, not aggressiveness, is a key component for making that big sale. An aggressive nature on the golf course can turn a relaxing and fun afternoon into a disaster that could cause your potential client to walk away frustrated and angry.

Feel the vibe. As an insurance salesperson, you have probably felt "vibes" from potential clients that let you know if that person is likely going to purchase your product or if they are not interested at all. If you have made it to the golf course with your potential client, there is a good chance that they are in the market to purchase some insurance or they are at least willing to hear about the products that you have to offer. If they keep trying to avoid the subject, however, it may be time to just concentrate on improving your swing.

Keep a positive attitude. Nothing is worse than listening to a negative salesperson. Would you want to spend your money and trust a person who only badmouths the competition? Don't fall into the negativity trap. You will be more successful in making sales during your golf game if you build your products and your company up rather than running down your competition.

Listen. It's as simple as that - listen. Many salespeople tend to think of what they are going to say next while their potential clients are talking without really listening to what they have to say. Your clients will tell you everything you need to know during the course of a golf game in order to sell your product to them, but you have to stay quiet long enough to find out what they have to say. It even helps to repeat what they say sometimes in your own words to make sure you understand them correctly.

Close the sale. The most important tip for making the sale on the golf course is to ask for it before you leave the links. You can't get the sale if you don't ask for it so make sure you close the deal sometime before leaving the course. Make a comment like, "So when should I get started on that paperwork for you?" or "Should I send the contract to you by fax or email?" Making confirming statements like this will help you increase your chances of leaving the 18th hole with a new client.

These are just a few of the things you can do to increase your chances of turning potential clients into actual clients during an afternoon on the golf course. Utilize these techniques and make your next golf outing with potential clients a successful sales venture.

By Daniel Hagy

Buying the Perfect Computer

So you've finally decided it's time for a change. No matter
what advice you follow that old work horse of a desktop
computer you have has outlived its usefulness with slow
loading applications and a continuous rise in operation

Searching for that Perfect Computer can be about as much fun
as purchasing a new car and about as frustrating also when
sorting through the various brands while trying to decide
which "bells and whistles" best fit your needs. Besides all
that trying to return something that is so large can be both
inconvenient and very difficult to do. So making the right
decision the FIRST time is the wise path of choice.

For starters you'll need to decide what you want to do with
your computer. Are you into the video game scene or are you
someone who likes to just surf the internet and occasionally
do some book keeping with simple word processing software?

If you're into video games you're going to want a machine
that can handle the high level of graphics and superior
sound quality. On the other hand if you're not into all
that high adrenalin stuff you can probably get by with a
less expensive system. Although, if you want to stay on the
safe side I would recommend going with something more
"high-end" so you don't have to spend another large chunk of
change to upgrade the system you just bought.

There are two basic routes you can take when purchasing a
new computer.

1) Purchase a "Brand Name" Computer
2) Purchase a "Clone" Computer

A "BRAND-NAME" computer is one that is manufactured by a
company that is recognizable by name.

Some Advantages/Disadvantages of "Brand-Name" computers


Customer Support- If you are experiencing problems with your
computer you will have the option to contact a
representative of the company that you purchased the PC from
to get help in solving your problem.

Customer support is probably the best reason to buy a
brand-name computer.

Warranty- Having a warranty is always nice since it acts as
a type of security blanket for you.

In case a part on your computer should fail you should be
able to get the item fixed at no charge just as long as the
warranty has not expired.

Read and understand a company's warranty policy BEFORE you
purchase a computer from them.

This way you'll have a good understanding of the procedures
to follow in case a problem should arise.

Pre-installed Software- Many companies will include software
packages that are all set up and ready to go for you on your

Although, a disadvantage of buying a brand-name computer
with software pre-installed is that you usually end up with
more than fits your needs and usually just results with the
wasting of space on your storage device.

Additional Support- Most brand-name computer companies are
also able to provide you with web sites that may provide you
with current software updates, user manuals, or basic
troubleshooting help.


The use of Proprietary parts- the term Proprietary refers to
products that are unique to an individual company and that
company only.

So if a part was to malfunction on your computer after
warranty and you needed to replace it you could not just go
to your local computer store and purchase any old part even
if it was intended for the same function as the item that

You would be forced to buy the exact same item that came out
of the computer or else the computer would more than likely
cease to function correctly.

Having to buy proprietary parts usually involves the need to
place an order which means you'll have to wait for the part
to arrive or you'll have to send your computer into the
company or an authorized dealer of that company for

People with a home based business would probably not be too
happy with that situation at all.

Integrated/On-board parts- In the computer world when you
hear the word integrated or on-board it means that a
particular part such as the modem or sound port where you
plug in your speakers, is built-in or part of the computer
main board (Also known as the Motherboard).

This means that if any of these items should fail, you can't
just remove them from the computer and replace them with a
new part. They are usually soldered directly to the main
board and are stuck there.

Although, some computers do provide a way to disable a
malfunctioning device which will allow you to install your
own store bought device to take the place of the broken

From a computer technicians point of view this is not always
easy to do.

It just depends on what brand of computer you currently
have. Meaning some are easier to work on than others.

A "CLONE" computer is a clone or a copy of its brand-name
counterpart with the exception that instead of company
specific or proprietary parts, the items used to make a
clone computer are from several different companies instead
of only one.

Let's say that if you were to go to a local company that
builds "clone" computers, and you tell them what you need,
chances are they don't use parts that are specific to only
that type of computer like the brand-name computer companies

This is a good thing because it means that they will
probably use components that are interchangeable with many
different brands and are easy to come by if needed.

Some Advantages/Disadvantages of "Clone" computers include:


Cost- compared to brand-name computers the clone will
generally be easier on your pocket book when purchasing one
with similar features as its brand-name counterpart.

This is most likely due to the money that is saved by not
offering the high-end customer service. Although, that may
not be the only reason for the lower prices.

Easily Accessible Replacement Parts- Since the clone
computer was built with parts that are not any one company
specific, you can buy parts for the clone computer that can
be used even if the brand is different from the one that was
in the computer when you originally bought it.

NOTE: Before you buy any parts, it is necessary to make sure
that the replacement parts are compatible with your
particular computers system requirements.

Either consult the manual that should have came with your
computer or get help from a knowledgeable friend or repair


Warranties- Unless you purchase a service plan you will
typically not have as an attractive warranty as you would
with a brand-name computer company.

Whatever you do just make sure you understand how long the
warranty is for and as to what kind of repairs the warranty
covers before you make the purchase.

Customer Support- With brand-name computer companies you are
usually provided with a 24-hour toll free number that you
can call if you have questions or concerns with your

Clone computers are more than likely not going to have a
24-hour help service, but rather you will be forced to only
be able to call during regular business hours.

Also, it is more than likely that there will not be any one
website that you can go to in order to find out information
concerning troubleshooting questions you may have.

For service it may be necessary to take the computer back to
the store that you bought it at or you may have to do some
research on the individual parts that went into the computer
and visit the manufacturer's website for troubleshooting

Finally, if all else fails you can certainly take what you
have learned from this article and being that you know what
you need now, but don't know where to go and get that
"Perfect Computer", the best resource at your disposal are
the very men and woman that work at your local electronics

It is their duty to help you get hold of that "Perfect
Computer" that best fits your needs. All you need to do is
tell them what you plan on using that computer for and they
should be more than happy to help you from there.

By Dan Preston

Choosing the Best Desktop Computer For You Choosing the Best Desktop Computer For You

Like a lot of people in the world today, you probably have a specific budget in mind when you buy a desktop computer. You may wonder, though, how to pick out the computer. What size and shape you need and with all the new technology out there, you may be unsure what to get. We are here to help you with this most difficult decision. Read on for some great insight into what to look for when purchasing a great desktop computer.

There are four different types of a PC user. Read below to find out which one you are. This will help you choose the best computer for you and your family.

General purpose user: a general purpose use desktop computer is perfect for those who like to make pictures, edit pictures, play games and surf the net. Depending on what you need a general purpose computer can range in price from $500 to $1500.

Power User: a power user computer is a computer that can be used to make and edit movies and videos. These types of computers also allow you to make digital designs and play mega games. With these computers you will typically need 2 or more hard drives and a great graphics card. These computers typically run higher in price due to the power behind the computer and the different running systems that it will include. A power user computer can range in price from $2500 to $3500 depending on what you will need to perform the types of work that you want to do on this computer.

Home Theater Enthusiast: Do you love movies and television? Why not get a computer that can handle all of your home theater needs? This type of computer is great for people who love to watch movies and television. Windows Media Center is on all of the windows programs including the new Windows 7. When considering this type of computer always keep in mind what type of media you will be playing. This will help you to decide the video card and how much memory and output you will need. You can also find surround sound for your home theater computer, which will make your home theater even more special. When purchasing this computer make sure that is has the proper DVD drive or if you desire you can get a computer with a blue ray player allowing you the maximum high definition display. This type computer can range in price from $500 to $1500 depending on what you need included with the great entertainment model computer.

Home Office Worker: this is a great computer for those who work from home. With this type of computer you do not need the massive graphics power as other computers unless you design graphics for your home office work and then you would want a computer with a higher graphics count. You will want a system with a dual power core so that you can multitask and get the work done that you need done. Windows has a great operating system in Windows 7 that is great for being able to multitask. The newest feature on Windows 7 allows you to have different windows open at one time and you are also allowed to have them up side by side. This will save you time and you will not have to worry about your computer crashing. Mac also has a great operating system for home office as well. A home computer can run in price from $500 to $2,000 depending on what you need and how you plan on using it.

There are many different features to consider when wanting to purchase any of the before mentioned computers. The main great features that you will want to consider are:

* Processor: The two most common type of processor is AMD Athlon 64 X2, or Intel Core 2 Duo processor. You will want a Duo processor if you will be doing a lot of work or something that calls for a high speed processor such as burning or making videos and DVD's. A processor is at the most basic form the brains of your computer. The faster your processor is the better performance you will receive out of your computer.

* Memory: The memory in a desktop computer can vary due to the upcoming technology. Depending on what you need you can find a desktop that has 1G to 4G's of memory. Memory is changing due to different technology every day. When considering the memory take into consideration what you will be using your computer for. The more pictures and videos you need to make will increase the gigabyte count. Having the maximum amount of memory allows you to have plenty of room for all those important things that you want to install on your computer.

* Hard Drive: Depending on what you will need to store on your computer, you can find the perfect hard drive. A hard drive for this type of desktop can range from 250 G to 500 G. When choosing the hard drive, keep in mind what kind of programs you want to install. If you are wanting to install games or photo editing software, it would be best to have a higher gigabyte count. This allows you to have plenty of space for these programs as well as other programs including music and videos.

* Running system: When choosing your computer you will want to pick out a operating system that will work great for you. You can choose Windows or Mac. Both are very reliable brands and will give you a great computer experience. The latest version of Windows is Windows 7 and the latest version of Mac is the Apple OS X Leopard. The feedback on both of these programs are great. You can also ask friends and family that have these running systems how they feel about them and this will help you to pick out the perfect running system for you.

* Video Card: the video card helps to control different graphics and video. The most typical video card is 128 mb and comes from NVIDIA and ATI. With ever changing technology the video card will increase in megabyte size and quality. Most computers come with this feature already installed for quality graphics.

* Keyboard: Your computer would be basically useless without a keyboard. There are several different choices of keyboard. If you have trouble with your wrists, you can find a keyboard that is ergonomic and has a wrist wrest built into the keyboard. If you do not want the headache of wires all over the place, you can purchase a wireless keyboard. A wireless keyboard gives you access to your computer without the clutter of wire.

* Mouse: The mouse is a key component in the running of your desktop computer. The mouse helps you click on links and scroll down throughout pages. A wireless mouse is the latest invention. You can move your mouse around without the constraint of wire. This is a great way to perform your task. A computer can function without a mouse but it would be very difficult to use.

* Monitor: The monitor is the most important part of the computer besides the hard drive. The monitor allows you to see images and what is on your computer. You can find average size monitors, wide screened monitors and flat screened monitors. You can even find HD monitors that deliver a even clearer pictures. The size of the monitor depends on what size you need for what you will be doing with your desktop computer. With larger screens you will have the ability to watch many different movies in television size.

* Web Camera: a web camera can be hooked up to your computer allowing you to take images and videos and save them directly to your computer. You can also video chat with people online using it with Yahoo, Skype or even Facebook. It is a great way to stay in contact with friends and family. When considering a web cam purchase, check and see what pixels that it has. The higher the pixel, the greater the image will be and less pixilated.

* Size: Desktop computers have changed in size drastically over the years and each year it seems like a smaller more compact model is being released. That is great for those of you that do not have a lot of space to store a large computer. You can find a desktop in the size you need including compact. Every year smaller and more compact computers are being released. When looking for the size, take into consideration, where you will set up your computer and how much room you will have. It would not hurt to take measurements and have these with you when you purchase your computer.

* DVD/Blue Ray: If you like to watch movies you can purchase a desktop computer that has a DVD player. This is a great way to watch your movies. When purchasing the computer make sure you check and see what regions that the DVD player can handle. This way you can enjoy movies from many different regions from around the world. Region 1 is the United States and Region 2 is the United Kingdom. So if you want a movie from across the pond you can purchase it and watch it with your desktop. If you desire high quality and high definition you can purchase a computer that is equipped with a blue ray player. This is great for watching high definition movies.

* Warranty: When purchasing a computer, you may consider purchasing an extended warranty. This will give you ease of mind in case of something happening to your computer. Always remember to register for your warranty and it will make you and your computer feel safer.

Have this guide with you when you go to purchase your new desktop. This guide will help you make a choice on what you need for your new desktop computer. Remember take into consideration all of these features and what you will be using the computer for.

By Beth Mccall

Auto Insurance Marketing Made Easy

Are you frustrated with auto insurance marketing? If you're at a crossroad in your marketing campaign, you need to make a decision that will help you succeed. Make internet marketing strategies your decision. Let's discuss how to get started.

Auto Insurance Marketing requires an Autoresponder System

The #1 tip that I can give is to use an auto responder / email system to base your Auto Insurance Marketing plan off of. This is the start. Autoresponders can be used with online internet leads. These Internet leads are both purchased and organic (your site generated). It is important to know that people get online to research and compare prices for auto insurance. Most of the people don't buy immediately. It may take 2 days to 6 months. You need to contact these leads on a consistent basis. You don't want to write individual emails to everyone. This would consume 100% of your time. Wouldn't a system be nice if you could make 30 emails, do nothing else and let the system do the work for you every day. Do it and leave it. There are online systems that you can use for a minimal monthly fee, that will do all this work for you.

Auto Insurance Marketing Stage #2

Not only do you need an email / autoresponder, your personalized agency website needs to be optimized and have opt-in forms on the site. Now days any insurance agent needs some type of website. Actually it can't be just any website. I'm sure you have been contacted by several web design companies and search engine consultants promising to get your website on the 1st page of search engines for several hundred dollars a month. You may have even done this at some point over the last couple years.

The problem is that these sales people know nothing about your business and how to attract the type of customers you need. Have you noticed that most agents have a website, whether it be their captive companies site or just a site to post information on their agency. The idea behind a successful insurance marketing campaign, is to have a site that everyone searching for insurance in your niche market, will see your site, enter your site and opt-in. The opt-in piece of the pie is to get leads name and emails in return for free information or informative insurance tips. This Opt-in list will grow and grow every month. Soon you will have a weekly or monthly email message to all you customers and leads to promote your special or what you can help your prospects with.

The whole concept behind building a successful agency is establishing a system to collect and build a list of names and emails. This can be done with purchased internet leads and autoresponders and setting up a website with opt-in forms. It doesn't happen immediately, but you will see results pretty quick. Remember, you need to get the ball rolling. Building a list of interested buyers is a great way to ramp up you auto insurance marketing.

By Kevin Rich Kennedy

Prospect for New Clients With Your Own Insurance Blog

Share Your Knowledge and Professional Advice

One of the newest ways to network for qualified prospects is by publishing your own insurance blog on your Facebook and LinkedIn pages. It's not only fast and easy, but it's also free - and it's been proven to work.

Because people really do read the posts you put up on your Facebook and LinkedIn sites.

What's more, they pass them along to all the people in their own network for you.

How to Write Your Own Insurance Blog

Most agents think that writing a blog takes a lot of time and requires good writing skills - but it really doesn't... IF you simply write about what you know in an honest conversational manner. To begin with, your weekly blog needs to be no more than 200 or 300 words. And it can take as little as ten to twenty minutes to write and publish - just once a week.

When writing a blog, write just as you speak. Let if flow on paper as if you were talking with someone in person - face to face. Don't worry about grammar - just write.

Once you do it, you'll be surprised at how easy that really is.

And don't explain various types of coverage in your insurance blog, or use insurance jargon. Don't even use insurance terms or technical references. Write as if you are talking to a friend on the phone, or sitting across a table over a cup of coffee.

Think of your insurance blog as "sharing a thought" with your clients and prospects. And always conclude your blog with some sort of "call to action".

Examples of Insurance Blog Topics:

* Biggest Mistake People Make With Their Homeowner's Insurance
* How Health Care Reform Will Affect You
* What Alternative Do You Have to Low Interest Rates on Bank CD's
* Why You Need to Insure Your Monthly Income
* When it Makes Sense to Compare Rates on Term Life Insurance

Examples of Opening Line Ideas to Get You Started

* I was talking with a new client yesterday... (and discovered that she was paying more for her _____ than she should be)
* I recently helped one of my clients process a claim... (and here's what happened)
* I read an article last week on how the average person is investing for their retirement... (and was surprised to learn _________ )
* Got a call from an old client of mine a few days ago, asking for a quote on his __________ coverage... (and was able to save him $xxx)
* One of my business clients recently referred me to another small business owner who wasn't happy with her company's employee benefits package... (and wasn't getting much attention from her current agent/broker/advisor)

Examples of Insurance Blog "Calls to Action":

* Call Me for a Quote on Term Life Insurance
* Click Here for a report titled "Protecting Your Retirement Income - Guaranteed"
* Find Out if You Qualify for a Good Driver Discount
* Get an Assessment of the Gaps in Your Health Coverage
* Click Here to Watch a Short Five Minute Video
* Email Me with any Questions You Have Regarding Your Insurance (or Retirement)

Set Up Your Insurance Blog

You have many choices (most free) of blogging platforms to choose from. The top 5 I recommend are:

* Blogger - a Google owned blog platform that is very quick and easy to setup
* Tumblr - more of a "micro-blog", which is a cross between a blog and Twitter
* WordPress - most popular and well established blog platform. Has tons of features and plugins...
* SquareSpace - commercial blogging platform starting at $8/month
* Posterous - easy to use "email-to-blog" system. Create new posts by sending emails...

Most, if not all of these options, allows you to easily post your blogs to your Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

By Dan Vinal

Six Characteristics of Successful Insurance Marketers

Six common traits of effective insurance marketers:

1. They're not afraid to take action. When it comes to marketing, taking any action is better than taking no action at all. By not making a decision, or not taking action, you're choosing to not have any marketing. It's better to make a decision and have some form of marketing working for you (even if it's not perfect) than to not make a decision and have no forward momentum.

2. They reach decisions quickly. Effective insurance marketers look at the information, make a decision, and move on - right or wrong. And here's something important: they don't allow too many people to get involved in the decision making process. When there are too many cooks in the kitchen, recipes go awry and marketing strategies get very watered down.

3. They make marketing a top priority. I have one client who is the president of a sizeable insurance organization. He manages many employees and has no personal assistant. Yet he routinely reviews and replies to marketing-related emails and decisions within 24 hours. Nothing sits! And why should it? In most cases, it only takes 15 minutes to move a marketing project forward.

4. They understand that you have to spend money to make money. Over the years, I've seen many people start businesses and cut corners with essentials, such as their websites. In my opinion, your website is your most pivotal piece in your insurance marketing arsenal. If you're going to do a bargain-basement job, then get ready for bargain-basement results. If you spend money where it matters, you'll achieve your goals much faster.

5. They understand that there's no such thing as a one-hit wonder. Effective marketing requires a consistent, integrated effort - month in and month out. Like your own personal health and fitness, growing a company requires a disciplined process. If anyone tells you they have a magic no-work formula, RUN.

6. They have the ability to track and measure. If you have the ability to track and measure, then you can be much more sophisticated in your marketing approach. This is usually linked to having a good IT resource. By having internal IT talent or someone who you can access quickly, you're more likely to track and measure your marketing results, and quickly hone your strategies.

So now that you've read the list, ask yourself, "Am I doing the six things needed to maximize my marketing results?" If you're failing in any of these areas, strive for improvement. If the problem involves your company's decision-making structure, share this article with those in charge and challenge them to change the status quo. Change won't happen overnight, but awareness is a positive first step.

By Heather Sloan

How To Sell Insurance Using The Internet

Insurance agents need help to re-learn how to sell insurance. Knowing how to sell insurance is all about knowing where the customers are and letting them see your agency wherever they go.

Today it's more about marketing your agency, rather than selling. So many agents are focused on sending out 100's of mailings or making hundreds of calls a week, just to get a handful of leads. If you are like them, you are focused on the numbers game, and not on a targeted niche customer. Now, there is a niche for mailings and phone calls, because people don't have computers or email, but this is very small niche. I like leads and customers that actually find me and want to buy my products.

So what is out there and what can you do?

To be successful, you need to rethink your sales strategies. Remember you need to work smarter and not harder. So many agents, in fact most all the insurance, still use the phone books, radio, telemarketing and paid internet leads for their marketing campaigns. All of these campaigns are dwindling as far as results, except for paid internet leads. I have found that only a very few agents actually succeed with paid internet leads. The one way they succeed is by being completely persistent for days and weeks. For me, I hated calling the irritated lead day after day for 3-4 weeks. I found a great Autoresponder system that does this for me, but does not irritate the customer. In addition it actually works better than the phone calls.

The other top internet insurance marketing strategies include:

* A small website with SEO, so people will see your agency all over the internet. This needs to be your agency website, with opt-ins and quote forms. the site needs to be optimized and linked with the goal to be number one on the search engines like Google.

* Social Media Marketing: Use the tools like LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter, and local networking sites.

* Video & Article Marketing: This type of marketing gets your messages out and go viral. It's a way to get visibility of your agency to a lot of people online.

* Direct Mail - OptIn Marketing: Discover a system to where you only mail ten niche letter a week and have a close ratio of 10-20%

* Facebook Marketing: Don't think of Facebook as a teenager or spare time hobby to see what other people are doing. Businesses use Facebook to promote their agency, build lists and produce ads.

All these items are part of the Internet Insurance Marketing Strategies that will teach you the new way on How To Sell Insurance.

By Kevin Rich Kennedy

Insurance Sales Using The Internet

Learn all about the most successful insurance sales strategies.

This Is The Situation:

You are either a new agent or a veteran agent that is struggling to get leads and build up your clientele, because everyone has told you that you need to do door-to-door, telemarketing, cold calling, phone book ads, t.v and radio ads, network groups, auto dealerships, mortgage companies, and so on. The reason you may be having trouble growing your agency is because all these strategies don't work anymore, because, the prospects use the internet and social media today. Today's insurance agents need to change their sales hats into marketing experts. Insurance agents need to understand that today's buyers buy much different that the way they did even 5 years ago. Agents need to get into the Internet Marketing arena. There are a couple of ways to do this. You can hire people to do it for you, which costs about $500 to $2,000/month, You can learn about it and do it yourself, which takes time, or a see what other agents have done and just duplicate and implement into your agency.

There are a handful of internet marketing strategies you can implement into your agency for insurance sales.

1. Does Your Agency Have A Website? Either Way it need to be 100% SEO Optimized

2. Do You Have An Internet Lead System? This can be with paid for or self generated internet leads. Either way, the only way to make this type of strategy successful is an email / autoresponder system.

3. Do you have a Facebook Business Page that makes people Opt-In to get your information?

4. Most Importantly, are you on the 1st page of the search engines, like Google? Even if you are, do you know how to stay there, with more agents getting involved with Internet Marketing?

If you don't know anything about these items above, or haven't implemented any of these strategies into your agency, I suggest to start learning a little bit more about Insurance Sales and how to market on the internet. Insurance selling using the internet is all about setting up a system that has 4-5 marketing campaigns that all work together to drive leads to you and build prospect lists month after month. The main goal is to have an automated system, market your agency all over the internet where people are actually searching, and build an opt-in system, so you can market for free every month.

The way to be successful in insurance sales today, is to get your agency on the internet and stay on top, so everyone will see what you have to offer.

By Kevin Rich Kennedy

How To Get Insurance For Your Self Storage Items

Many customers of self storage think that the providers themselves automatically insure their items. But this is not the case all the time. You might think that storage facilities will include insurance in the rental and other fees you pay but not all providers do this.

An insurance coverage for your self storage is important for protecting your personal items. It will help you in the event the storage facility encounters fires, explosion, vandalism, riot, earthquake, vehicle impact, theft, floods, storms and other natural disasters that will damage your belongings. In terms of theft, only break-ins are normally covered. It should be your responsibility then to consider the insurance aspect as one of the security features you need to consider when choosing a self storage provider you will be using for the months or years ahead.

Today, only a few self storage facilities provide full and comprehensive insurance included in the rental fees you pay every month. If this is the case, you will normally be charged a higher fee to cover the cost of insurance. Some providers may offer the basic insurance coverage included in the self storage package you pick but this may not be enough to cover the cost of your items.

If you have expensive items and other belongings with great sentimental value to store in a rental unit, it will be worth getting additional insurance coverage to protect your personal possessions. You need to get a policy before you even move your items into the rental unit.

Calling your home insurer is the initial step you need to take. Find out if your personal items can be covered by your home contents policy. A household policy usually covers items in a house and some stored items removed from your house for purposes of repair and servicing. Normally items put in self storage are not covered.

In case you want to save money and don't want to get a separate insurance policy, you can pay an additional premium to your existing home insurance coverage. On the other hand if you want to get an insurance coverage, you may have to show your policy first to your chosen self storage provider before you can rent a unit.

New customers of self storage can also take advantage of the provider's policies. In this case, you will have to provide a list of items and their values in order for the provider to choose the best policy suited for your needs. They may also recommend to you insurance policies ideal for self storage items which can be a more affordable option. Some facilities offer assistance to their renters although there are also others who may insist their own policies to customers before they can rent a unit.

For customers who plan on adding and retrieving items from their self storage unit, it may be worth considering consulting your insurance company. You need to find out first if you can change your policy when needed such as when you want to put additional stuff or want to remove items from your rental unit.

By Kalyan Kumar

Saving Money on Your Home Insurance

Many homeowners looking to save a few bucks on their insurance only look at the obvious things like adding smoke detectors or a security system. They may even enjoy the benefits of having their auto and home insurance provided by the same company, as this usually garners a discount. However, is there more that we could be doing? The short answer is, absolutely yes!

Property insurance companies have a wide array of lesser-known discounts that could save homeowners up to twenty-five percent on their insurance policy. The insurance industry may seem like an evil entity at times, as if they are just there to take your money and pay claims. The fact is that they are more focused on preventing claims than anything else. This can lower everyone's cost, especially the cost incurred by the homeowner.

Here a few of these hidden credits that your agent may offer:

Gated Community

If you live within a gated community, you undoubtedly have peace of mind. However, your insurer will share this feeling of security and may offer a discount for this barrier between you and potential home invaders. Many people don't realize that where they live affects their insurance costs to a large extent. If a person lives in a portion of town that is more susceptible to crime and theft, they will surely pay a higher rate. Conversely, those living in a gated community or near to a firehouse often can receive a credit on their policy.

New Wiring

Want to cause a panic with your agent? Give them a call and tell them that your son's teenage friend just rewired your home last weekend. Watch how quickly your rate goes up. It is fairly simple in the eyes of an insurer; a house with older wiring means a higher risk of fire. Each year in the United States there are over 67,000 house fires, nearly 500 deaths, and over $850 million worth of property damage due to these fires. Depending on how old your home is, you may qualify for an insurance credit if you upgrade your wiring.


This is a fairly new discount, yet can save the most money. This is the homeowner equivalent to a good-driver rebate for auto insurance. It is fairly simple to understand; a lack of claims leaves more money in the pocket of your insurer, and they may be willing to share a bit of the savings with you by cutting your premium a bit. A person without a claim for ten years can see a discount of up to 20 percent.

By Nick Muller